Welcome to Pacific Northwest District

                    Pentecostal Church of God Inc

Women's Ministries

Our women's ministry aims to provide resources, guidance, fellowship, and help to strengthen women to have a solid foundation, a balanced family life, involved in church and community, and joy in their hearts. We also want to encourage every woman to reach out into their community and make disciples. 

We will fulfill our vision by creating opportunities and resources for women to discover thier gifts and be empowered to fulfill His prupose. Our desire is to encourage every woman in her journey, and to provide meaningful opportunities for discipleship. 

Rescue Her

One of the ministries of our Women's Department is a mission of it's own. Rescue Her. Based in the Dallas/Forth Worth area, Rescue her is a crisis response services to adult female victims of sex trafficking in tthis area who are in need of emergency assistance. They provide assistance by connecting survivors to emergency medical attention and/or law enforcement intervention, educating survivors on their legal rights, providing emotional support, locating safe shelter, meeting basic needs (such as food, clothing, hygiene items, sensory items to assist in trauma responses) and providing transportation when applicable and safe. We are expanding this ministry into more connections to help women and children.
Rescue Her   www.rescueher.org  

Together for a Cause

Part of our Women's Department ministry is to come along side active ministries against Child-Trafficking & Abuse. Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, and Orphans. There are several ministries out there, it is our endeavor to join such ministries that work in our various communities. Part of getting involved is to pray, research and find that ministry. We want to partners with like-minded organizations and ministries, law enforcement, and integral government entities in our personal area's to expand, build, and even volunteer to help in these life-changing ministry programs. Child trafficking is an ultimate evil that is in our own backyard. We must protect our kids, our neighbor's kids and any child in danger. It's our responsibility and I hope our mission. 


 Connect to our National Women's Ministry Program 

Empowered Women's Department  Women (pcg.org)

Mission & Values

Empowered Women’s Ministries exists to represent Jesus Christ throughout the earth. By the power of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to evangelize, disciple, encourage, and equip women to live the Empowered life in Christ. We are here to encourage you and provide resources to help women in their walk with the Lord. Our hand is extended to both women in leadership and women who just desire to grow in their own spiritual life.


Women's Ministry Director

Teresa Roberts