MEN'S Ministry
Men's M3 Initiative
We see the Kingdom of God forcefully advancing through a vibrant, thriving brotherhood of believers who love God with all their heart (worship), head (Word), hands (work), and feet (witness). We equip men to maximize their potential as Kingdom men, who mentor others to carry on the mission of spiritual fatherhood.
Mission & Values
What are we called to do? What is our mission?
We want men to maximize their potential in five key areas of their life: Man, Husband, Father, Provider and Mentor. It is our goal to raise up godly men who will build authentic mentoring relationships with other men through one-to-one interaction and small groups. With renewed focus on spiritual fathering, we believe that we can forcefully advance the Kingdom of God in our generation.
Mentoring Men for the Mission
A ministry that is:
We see a ministry that is Pentecostal, Spirit-filled and energized by the Holy Ghost; understanding the difference between hype and spiritual momentum! A ministry which values the power and gifts of the Holy Ghost, and is not ashamed to allow Him to move in the hearts and lives of men.
Biblically Sound
We see a ministry that is more than just “fish-fries and pancakes.” A ministry that values doctrinal training and the systematic teaching of Scripture, that produces men of “The Book” who rightly divide the Word of Truth!
We see a ministry that is very clear about what it wants to achieve and how it plans to achieve it; having clear vision, mission, objectives, strategies, and action plans.
We see a ministry that inspires men to join the movement, enter the discipleship process, be equipped for Kingdom service, and fulfill their purpose in their generation.
We see a ministry that addresses felt needs among men and the issues they face on a regular basis; realizing that men aren’t looking for religion, they’re looking for relief!
We see a ministry that networks with other men, leaders, churches, sections, districts, and denominations; building friendships and strategic connections which will create cohesiveness, buy-in, and synergy!
We see a ministry that witnesses the transformational power of God at work in the lives of men whereby families, churches, and communities are also transformed! Even as Philip preached Christ in Samaria, and there was great joy in that city!
We see a ministry that is effective in fulfilling the Great Commission and the discipling of men; having a plan that works! A ministry willing to embrace change when needed, and to abandon fruitless endeavors.
We see a ministry that is well-funded by the generous support and participation of the men of the Pentecostal Church of God through the “Ten for Men” Program, and through sponsoring churches and Kingdom financiers. If it’s a ministry worth having, it’s a ministry worth supporting! There must be Provision for the Vision!
We see a ministry that represents the Pentecostal Church of God with excellence; returns emails and phone calls promptly; keeps constituents well-informed of the ministry’s plans and pursuits; is represented in every district, section, and local church; provides excellent resources for the training of leaders and the discipling of men; provides high-quality product with cutting-edge branding that men will actually wear; embraces technology, broadcasting, and social media; provides transformational local, sectional, district, regional, and national conferences! For if it bears His Name, it’s worth out best!

M3 – Mentoring Men for the Mission!
The M3 Manifesto
The following is our vision for the men and the ministry of the King’s Men Fellowship of the Pentecostal Church of God. M3 represents our motto, “Mentoring Men for the Mission,” and our strategic plan called, “The M3 Initiative.”
Our Vision for Men
We see men who are saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, growing in the faith, rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and effectively impacting their world for Christ.
We see men who are strong and courageous, exemplary leaders who provide spiritual leadership in their homes, churches, workplaces, businesses, and communities. Men who understand their role and purpose as Kingdom men, and fulfill that purpose in their generation.
We see men who honor and cherish their wives, and love them as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.
We see men who are faithful to their wives and are free from any type of sexual impurity. Men who are respectable, live above reproach, and exemplify the highest integrity.
We see men who love their children and are committed to providing spiritual leadership for them by raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
We see men who are diligent in the workplace, who work with a spirit of excellence as unto the Lord. Men who maximize their potential as a provider and embrace entrepreneurship, saving and investing, and skillful money management as faithful stewards of God.
We see men who are faithful to the Lord, their pastor, and local church. Men who diligently serve the Lord and His Church in various ministry capacities.
We see men who value networking and building strategic relationships with other men. Men who see the benefits and blessings of being connected to a brotherhood of like-minded believers.
We see men who provide spiritual leadership and mentorship to other men of all ages. Men full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom who model what it means to be a Kingdom Man. Men of “The Book” who accurately teach and preach the Word of God, whereby providing biblical counsel to those whom they are leading.
We see men, as the sons of Issachar, who understand the times and refuse to “hunker in the bunker” and abdicate their call to be salt and light to the world. Instead, they embrace their call to be transformational leaders and be a change agent for that which is good; for they understand that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!
Our Vision for the Ministry
As the Men’s Ministry of the Pentecostal Church of God, we are committed to building a ministry that helps men excel as Kingdom men, husbands, fathers, providers, and spiritual leaders/mentors.
Why should Men’s Ministry be important in every denomination and local church?
The “Men Problem” in America:
Startling Statistics
- The typical US Congregation draws an adult crowd that’s 61% Female, and 39% male.
- On any given Sunday there are 13 million more adult women than men in America’s churches.
- This Sunday almost 25 percent of married church-going women will worship without their husbands.
- Midweek activities draw 70-80% female participants.
- 75% of volunteers are women.
- The average ratio of men to women in Christian colleges is about 1 male to every 3 females.
- Women are:
- 100% more likely to be involved in discipleship
- 57% more likely to hold a leadership position in the church
- 54% more likely to participate in a small group
- 39% more likely to have a regular devotional time
- 29% more likely to attend church, read their Bible, and share their faith.
- Of the 72 million children in America under the age of 18, 33% will go to bed tonight in a home without a biological father.
- Children who live absent from their biological fathers, on average, are more likely to be poor, experience educational, health, emotional and psychological problems, be victims of child abuse, and engage in criminal behavior than their peers who live with their married, biological mother and father.
- Currently, 57.7% of all black children, 31.8% of all Hispanic children, and 20.9% of all white children are living in single-parent homes.
Tony Evans, in his book Kingdom Man, writes:
- Roughly 70% of all prisoners come from fatherless homes.
- Approximately 80% of all rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes.
- 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.
- 63% of all teen suicides occur in homes where the father was either abusive or absent.
- Virtually every adult social pathology has been linked to either fatherless homes or homes with a father and/or husband who was absent, abusive, or neglectful.
Evans goes on to write,
“The inmates at the prison I visit came from different cultures, backgrounds, generations, and experiences. They had committed different crimes. But one thing that most shared was that they had either come from a fatherless home or a home where the father was absent, neglectful, or abusive.”
There is a “Men Problem” in America!
Regarding this issue, Dr. Patrick Morley wrote,
“Based on the actual allocation of intellectual and financial resources, men’s discipleship is not a major priority in any denomination. The Christian church has failed to muster the will or strategy to address the men problem. A majority of churches are not making disciples in general, and have no intentional plan to disciple men in particular. Why is that? Many churches believe they have “tried men’s ministry,” and it doesn’t work for them. Other churches have a few men meeting for a weekly Bible study and a few other men meeting once a month on a Saturday morning for pancakes, so they think they have fulfilled the needs of men. The men problem is among the most pervasive social, economic, political, and spiritual problems of all time. As a result, men are prone to get caught up in the rat race, lead unexamined lives, and become cultural rather than biblical Christians…While there are numerous cultural, social, and political solutions offered, the Christian solution to the men problem is discipleship. The mission—the marching orders—of the Christian church is, “Go and make disciples.”
Several points stand out regarding men’s ministry at large:
- The men problem is among the most pervasive social, economic, political, and spiritual problems of all time.
- Based on the actual allocation of intellectual and financial resources, men’s discipleship is not a major priority in any denomination.
- A majority of churches are not making disciples in general, and have no intentional plan to disciple men in particular.
- The Christian solution to the men problem is discipleship.
The Christian solution to the “men problem” is discipleship.
- What is our intentional plan to disciple men?
- What is our strategy?
- What is our process for helping men grow spiritually and maximize their potential as a kingdom man, husband, father, provider, and mentor?
The M3 Initiative is our intentional plan to disciple men.
The M3 Initiative
M3 stands for: Mentoring Men for the Mission
Men's Ministry Director: Mark Hicks