PNW District Bylaws
We believe that it is the express purpose of God, our Heavenly Father, to call out of the world a people who shall constitute the Body, the Church of Jesus Christ, built and established upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone.
We further believe that members of the Body, the Church, are enjoined to assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship and instruction in the Word of God, the work of its ministry, and for the exercise of those spiritual gifts and offices provided for in the New Testament; and according to God’s Word, the early Christians came together in such fellowship as a representative Body of blood-washed and Spirit-filled believers, who cooperated with, and sent out, evangelists and missionaries and, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, set over the churches, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, deacons and helpers.
Therefore, we recognize ourselves as a cooperative Fellowship of Christians, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:3-13).
Doctrinal Statement
(Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013.)
As a covenant community comprised of followers of Jesus Christ devoted to the Word of God, the PNWPCG adheres to the following essential values as foundational doctrines and those things which we hold as absolute beliefs (Luke 1:1); seeking always the global advancement of the Kingdom of God (Acts 1:8); endeavoring to be connected and serve with a Christ-honoring approach that there be no divisive disturbance of the peace and harmony within the Body of Christ (Mark 10:45, 1 Corinthians 1:10) in order that we will be a relevant voice to reach the unreached peoples of our generation and send the reached into the harvest (Acts 13:36).
1. The Scriptures
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16) presenting to us the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and constituting the Divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice (2 Peter 1:21).
2. The Godhead
We believe there is but one true and living God, who is everlasting, infinite in power, wisdom and goodness; that He is the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, and Preserver of all things (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16). In the unity of this Godhead, there are three persons of one individual essence, who are co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal; namely, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 3:16, 17; 28:18, 19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; John 1:1, 2, 18; 10:33; 14:26; 15:26; Philippians 2:6; Hebrews 9:14).
The Son is the eternally begotten of the Father and accepted earthly limitations for the purpose of incarnation, being true God and true man; conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. He arose from the dead according to the Scriptures. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on High as our great High Priest, and He will return again to establish His Kingdom of righteousness and justice.
The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, Executive of the Godhead on earth, the Comforter sent by the Lord Jesus Christ to indwell, to guide and to teach the believer, and to convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment.
3. Man, His Fall and Redemption
Man is a created being, made in the likeness and the image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world (Romans 5:12). “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3: 10) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was manifested to undo the work of the devil, and gave His life and shed His blood to redeem and restore man to God (1 John 3:8).
4. Salvation
Salvation is made possible through the meritorious work of Jesus Christ on the cross and through Holy Spirit conviction. Godly sorrow works repentance and makes possible the experience of the new birth, and Christ formed within us is the gift of eternal life (Titus 2:11; Romans 10:13-15; Luke 24:47; Titus 3:5-7).
Man is a free moral agent and can at any time after the new birth experience turn away from God and die in a state of sin facing the consequences of hell. (II Peter 2:20-22)
Salvation is the gift of God to man, separate from works and the Law, and is made operative by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, producing works acceptable to God (Ephesians 2:8).
5. The Church
The true Church, built upon the Foundation of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20), is the Body of our Lord (Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 12:27); Christ being the Head (Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18). Its earthly constituents are all true believers, born again of the Spirit (John 3:6) and of the Word (1 Peter 1:23), who are living an overcoming Christian life (Ephesians 5:27; Revelation 21:27). To the Church, through its members, is delegated the various gifts and offices of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27, 28) which are necessary for the successful evangelization of the world and the perfecting of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7; Ephesians 4:11, 12).
This universal, invisible, sanctified Church is the chaste virgin Bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 1:1, 2; Ephesians 5:26, 27; Revelation 21:9b, 27). It is this Bride for whom Jesus Christ returns, just prior to the Great Tribulation, to catch her away and take her to heaven (John 14:23; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
6. The Ministry
God, through the Holy Spirit, definitely calls such as He desires to serve as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and specifically endues the one called with the talents and gifts peculiar to that office or offices (Ephesians 4:11-13). Under no circumstances should anyone be ordained or set apart to any such office unless the calling is distinct and evident.
7. Water Baptism
Baptism in water is by immersion, a direct commandment of our Lord (Matthew 28:19), and is for believers only. The ordinance is a symbol of the Christian’s identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12; Acts 8:36-39).
The following recommendation regarding the water baptism formula is adopted, “On the confession of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, and by His authority, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
8. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (Matthew 3:11), is a gift from God, as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers in this dispensation, and is received subsequent to the new birth (John 14:16, 17; Acts 1:8; 2:4, 38, 39; 10:44-48). The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is accompanied by the speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit Himself gives utterance as the initial physical sign and evidence (Acts 2:4).
9. Sanctification
The Bible teaches that without holiness no man can see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We believe in the doctrine of sanctification as a definite, yet progressive, work of grace, commencing at the time of regeneration and continuing until the consummation of salvation (Hebrews 13:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2; Ephesians 5:26; 1 Corinthians 6:11; John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
10. The Lord’s Supper
The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is a commandment of our Savior; and being a memorial to His death and resurrection, is strictly limited to Christian believers (1 Corinthians 11:27). The time and frequency of its observance is left to the discretion of each congregation (1 Corinthians 11:26).
Only unfermented grape juice, the fruit of the vine, as recommended by our Lord (Matthew 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18) shall be used in connection therewith.
11. Foot Washing
Foot washing is recognized among many believers as a Christian practice, and the time, manner and frequency of its observance is left to the discretion of each local congregation (John 13).
12. Divine Healing
Healing is for the physical ills of the human body and is wrought by the power of God, through the prayer of faith, and by the laying on of hands (Mark 16:18; James 5:14, 15). It is provided for in the atonement of Christ and is available to all who truly believe.
13. Resurrection of the Just
The Bible promises, “This same Jesus shall so come in like manner” (Acts 1:11). His coming is imminent; when He comes, “The dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17). Following the tribulation, He shall return to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, and together with His saints, who shall be kings and priests, He shall reign a thousand years (Revelation 20:6).
14. Setting a Time for the Lord’s Return
It is unwise to teach that the Lord will come at some specified time, thereby setting a date for His appearing. It is also unwise to teach, preach or publish visions of numbers and dates which would tend to fix the time of the second coming of the Lord (Mark 13:32, 33).
15. The Coming of the Lord
We believe the Bible presents the coming of Christ as personal, imminent, pre-tribulational and pre-millennial. We further contend that this position alone admonishes watchfulness, incites holy living, prevents spiritual declension, and provides maximum incentive and motive for urgency and zeal in evangelizing the unsaved. As demonic deception and satanic darkness deepens, we urge our ministers to maintain and proclaim this doctrinal viewpoint as the “blessed hope” of the Church.
Furthermore, we recommend that should any of our preachers hold to the mid or post-tribulation doctrine, they refrain from preaching and teaching it. Should they persist in
emphasizing this doctrine to the point of making it an issue, their standing in the fellowship will be seriously affected.
16. Hell and Eternal Retribution
The one who physically dies in his sins without Christ is hopelessly and eternally lost in the Lake of Fire, and therefore has no further opportunity of hearing the Gospel or for repentance (Hebrews 9:27). The Lake of Fire is literal (Revelation 19:20). The terms “eternal” and “everlasting” used in describing the duration of the punishment of the damned (Matthew 25:41-46) in the lake of fire, carry the same thought and meaning of endless existence, as used in denoting the duration of joy and ecstasy of saints in the presence of God.
17. Tithes
We recognize the scriptural duty of all our people, as well as ministers, to pay tithes as unto the Lord (Hebrews 7:8). Tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel and work of the Lord in general and not given to charity or used for other purposes (Malachi 3:7-11; Hebrews 7:2; 1 Corinthians 9:7-11; 16:2).
Biblical Standards for Ministry
(Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013.)
Section 1. Christian Affirmations. As Christians and members of the Pentecostal Church of God:
a. We faithfully pledge our loyalty to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
b. We affirm complete confidence in the infallible Word of God.
c. We affirm our commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16) and we declare our willingness to go anywhere, do anything and sacrifice everything God requires of us in the fulfillment of that commission.
d. We accept God’s call to preach and teach the Word to all people as God gives opportunity, and we do this because of God’s love for every human being who, apart from faith in Christ, is judgment bound and destined for hell.
e. We endorse the Gospel message of salvation by grace alone through faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning death on the cross for our sins.
f. The proclamation of the Gospel must include a thoughtful call of every person to repent, to commit to Jesus Christ and to follow Him as Lord and Savior, and to do all these lovingly and without coercion or manipulation.
g. We will stay prayerfully filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit for a deeply spiritual Christ-centered ministry.
h. We will lead lives of holiness and moral purity, appropriately representing Christian ministry to the Church and the world.
i. We will practice a life of regular Bible study and pray for personal spiritual growth and anointed ministry.
j. We will be faithful stewards of all personal and church finances and we will be accountable to all concerned in the finance of our ministry and will be honest in reporting our statistics. We will keep personal and church financial activities separate and inviolate. Following these standards, we will faithfully promote our ministry in the community, “providing things honest in the sight of all men.”
k. We believe our family is a sacred trust and our responsibility to each family member is to be kept as faithfully as our call to minister to others.
l. We are responsible to the local church and we will conduct our ministry to build up the local body of believers in the larger interest of the Church universal. We are responsible to faithfully discipline all who come to faith under our ministry, to encourage every person to identify with the local church, to work faithfully at evangelism, Christian education and Christian discipleship, and endeavor to train every believer in personal witnessing.
m. We will share the cross of Christ by relieving both the social and spiritual sufferings of humanity, whether rich or poor, healthy or infirmed; we will do our utmost to alleviate human need, following Christ as our example.
n. We will give ourselves to prayer, to evangelism, to revival, to Bible-based counseling, to Christian education, to peacemaking and to our particular office, ministry and calling until Christ returns for His own. We do solemnly affirm these biblical principles for Christian ministry.
o. We will be subject to those whom God has placed in authority over us.
p. We believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian ministry and practicing homosexuals may not be credentialed within the Pentecostal Church of God.
Sexual Ethics
(Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013.)
Section 1. Principles of Moral Behavior. The following principles of moral behavior and relationships are foundational for sexual ethics throughout the Pentecostal Church of God.
These principles arise from our understanding of God’s Word as revealed by the Holy Spirit in Scripture, creation, and the tradition of the Church.
a. The love of God revealed in Jesus Christ is central to our approach in ethics.
b. The worth of persons is understood by God’s eternal love.
c. Scripture assigns to the Church the responsibility to protect the vulnerable.
d. Personal responsibility for behavior is paramount.
e. Freedom for the oppressed and for the captive is essential (Luke 4:18, 19).
f. The marriage covenant between a man and women is foundational (Genesis 2:24; Malachi 2:13-16).
g. Faithfulness to our covenants is vital (Ecclesiastes 5:5).
Section 2. Affirmations Regarding Sexuality. We affirm the following statements about human sexuality:
a. Sexuality is a good and holy gift of God to humanity bestowed in original creation (Genesis 1:27; 2:25). At the same time, we recognize that our sexuality has been affected by the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden making necessary these statements about God’s original and redeemed design for human sexuality.
b. Monogamous marriage between a man and a woman, based on the principle of covenant initiated by God, is the relationship through which sexuality can fulfill its potential to bless human lives. The covenant of marriage stresses sexual fidelity to one’s spouse. It promotes love, trust, companionship, intimacy, spirituality, and peace. (Ephesians 5:31)
c. Biblical sexual relationships demonstrate and are guided by the principles of Christ’s love, mutual respect, responsibility, justice, covenant, and faithfulness. (1 Corinthians 7:3-5)
d. Sexual ethics should be the same for all persons without discrimination.
e. People can lead fulfilling lives in harmony with God’s will without being sexually active. (1 Corinthians 7:17)
Section 3. Personal Action. Based on these principles and affirmations, we believe God calls the Church and all persons to:
a. Exemplify the morality of sexual ethics as expressed through Christ’s love, justice, and faithfulness in the marriage covenant.
b. Stress that sexual desire itself does not morally justify sexual activity.
c. Renounce as immoral sexual activities that are selfish, irresponsible, promiscuous, degrading, or abusive.
d. Denounce all forms of exploitation, abuse, and sexual violence. Sexual acts that degrade or dehumanize are contrary to God’s will. These include, but are not limited to sexual harassment, pornography, genital mutilation, child abuse, incest, rape, prostitution, and human sex trafficking. No physical, emotional, or spiritual abuse is acceptable.
e. Offer safety and healing ministry as a natural function of the Body of Christ to those who have been threatened, ostracized, exploited, abused, violated, and whose relationships have been broken.
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
(Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013.)
Section 1. Affirmation of Marriage. The Pentecostal Church of God affirms that marriage is between one man and one woman. Homosexuality is not compatible with Christian ministry.
Section 2. Designed by God. Marriage is an institution designed by God and is a sacred covenant relationship between husband and wife for a lifetime. The sanctity of marriage and family is upheld in Scripture. It is understood, therefore, that divorce is the breaking of the marriage covenant and represents less than the ideal. We further understand that sin has disrupted marriage and family relationships. Divorce is not encouraged in Scripture, for the grace of God encourages reconciliation. Yet because of the hardness and stubbornness of the human heart, reconciliation is not always possible. The New Testament does reflect a higher standard for the ministry because of the responsibility of leadership in the Church and that the minister’s life must model his/her message. We seek to comprehend and practice a balance between God’s grace and holding the standard set forth in God’s Word.
Section 3. Divorced and Remarried Ministers. No divorced and remarried Christian shall be granted Credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God except in the following cases:
a. The divorce occurred prior to the first confirmed experience of salvation (Hebrews 9:22; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
b. The divorce was for the cause of fornication on the part of the applicant’s former spouse (Matthew 5:32; 19:9), where the applicant was faithful to the marriage vows.
c. The divorce occurred when an unbeliever departs from a believer (1 Corinthians 7:15). It must be determined that every effort was made personally and legally to save the marriage, and said divorce occurred against the will of the applicant.
Ministerial Discipline and Restoration (Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013.)
Section 1. Biblical Authority. The Pentecostal Church of God recognizes the responsibility to exercise Biblical authority in the form of discipline. Disciplinary action should always honor God, follow Scriptural truth, maintain purity of intention, seek reconciliation and restoration, and safeguard the integrity and purity of ministry.
Section 2. Accountability of Ministers. All ministers are accountable to the district board in matters of ministerial misconduct. The district board shall be responsible to develop policies and procedures for consideration and action upon any allegations of ministerial misconduct.
No accusations or charges against any credentialed minister shall be considered unless all the procedure outlined within the Addendum to the General Bylaws shall be adhered to.
a. Procedure
1. When an accusation is correctly filed with the district bishop, the district executive committee shall meet first with the accuser, then with the accused, and finally with both parties.
2. After the three meetings, the district executive committee shall determine if the accusation shall be made a formal charge.
3. If a formal charge is made, the district board shall appoint a hearing committee from among its member to conduct a formal hearing and determine the validity of the charge.
Section 3. Evidence. No question may be asked, nor any evidence submitted at the hearing, unless they have a direct bearing upon the charges already filed. It is the explicit duty of the chairman of the hearing committee to enforce this rule.
Section 4. Confession and Repentance. If the defendant confesses, truly repents, and shows a contrite heart, he/she may have their rights to minister fully restored upon the recommendation of the district bishop and with the approval of the district board.
Section 5. Charges Against the District bishop. If the charges are against the district bishop, the assistant general bishop and the general bishop shall determine the validity of the charge.
Section 6. Ministerial Credentials Revoked. If the charges are proven true the defendant shall have their ministerial credentials revoked by the district bishop. The defendant shall have the right of appeal to the district board, whose decision is final, except in cases involving ordained ministers that may be appealed to appeals committee at the General Church level whose decision shall be final.
Section 7. Double Jeopardy. A person who has once been tried and found not guilty, or who has repented and made restitution, shall not be tried the second time on the same charges regarding the same incident.
Ministerial Relationships
(Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013)
Section 1. Ministerial Relationships. The following shall govern ministerial relationships in the PNWPCG.
a. Ministers within the PNWPCG should cultivate a mutual fellowship and work in harmony. In towns of ten thousand (10,000) population or less, it shall be deemed inadvisable for any of our ministers to start a new congregation if Pentecostal Church of God congregation already exists in that town unless sanctioned by the district board. Neither shall our pastors nor evangelists lend themselves to any antagonistic element in any of our churches for the purpose of deposing the present pastor or causing dissension or strife. Ministers doing such things shall be subject to disciplinary processes.
b. Ministers and workers are advised not to interfere with others who may have charge of a church or ministry, whether it be contacting the members without the consent of the one in charge, or by corresponding with the members of the church, so as to affect the influence of the leaders. All inquiries or correspondence that concerns the church, such as visiting the field, conducting meetings, etc., should be addressed to the pastor; or where there is no pastor, the correspondence should be addressed to the church secretary and/or trustees.
c. The district board shall ordain and license suitable candidates for the ministry, subject to the conditions set forth in the General Bylaws and these bylaws.
d. In recognition of the fact that ordination is the highest goal to which ministers may attain and, therefore, is reserved for those who have spent sufficient time in the active ministry so as to prove their qualifications for this high office, no person shall be ordained to the ministry who is not active in the ministry at the time application is made for ordination and/or who does not give clear evidence of his or her intention to remain in the active ministry.
e. In order to be considered for ordination, the applicant must have fulfilled at least one (1) full year of full-time ministry; if working on a secular job, must have at least two (2) years’ experience in an acceptable ministry.
f. Churches within the PNWPCG are privileged to use the ministers of other churches of like faith, as evangelists only. Any pastor or evangelist is privileged to labor in other churches where he deems it wise to do so for the up building of the cause of his or her district, providing he or she does not lend his or her efforts to a neighboring antagonistic assembly or church, thereby injuring the Pentecostal Church of God congregation in the community.
g. PNWPCG ministers shall cultivate mutual fellowship and work in harmony. They shall not lend themselves to any disgruntled element in any local church for the purpose of deposing the present pastor or causing dissension or strife. Those doing such are subject to discipline.
h. Any minister moving from another district shall, upon arrival, notify the officials of the district. After residing in the district for thirty (30) days, the minister shall be required to transfer except as permitted by the district board.
PROVISO: The paragraph above shall not be applied retroactively.
j. The district may not refuse the transfer of a minister, who is in good standing with another district, without bringing charges against the minister being transferred. When a minister is transferred from one district to another, a copy of the said transfer should be mailed or given to the minister being transferred. No district may refuse to transfer a minister who is in good standing without just cause. Just cause is to be determined by the district executive committee. In the holding up of a transfer, proper notice is to be given to the minister who is seeking to be transferred.
k. The ministers who are being considered for the pastorate of one of the district’s churches shall be advised of any outstanding obligations to the general office or the district, and shall be instructed regarding the responsibility to see that such obligations are paid by the respective department of the church for which the obligation was contracted.
l. The Bible teaches that we should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and that a Christian’s effectiveness in witnessing would be drastically impaired, if not entirely destroyed, by maintaining membership in a lodge, secret order or secret society. Therefore, no minister of the PNWPCG shall be permitted to carry credentials with this organization and belong at the same time to a lodge, secret order or society. This shall not refer to trade unions, where membership is necessary for employment.
m. Ministers shall be considered in good standing when the minister has not violated any general or district bylaws, has no written accusations or pending charges and has paid all fees and met their obligations.
Ministerial Credentials
(Inserted to match General Bylaws approved July 2013.)
PROVISO: The General Board is authorized to approve and implement new credential processes, such as: levels of credentials, introductory fees, conditions and timelines, with proposed credential modification to be presented to the 2015 General Convention.
Section 1. Minister’s Study Series.
a. The Minister’s Study Series shall consist of the Exhorter’s Study Series, License Study Series, and Ordination Study Series and shall be the official study course for ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God. This shall be the process for credentials for all new ministers and those advancing from exhorters to license and from license to ordination. Those ministers who believe they have completed equivalent studies shall be required to pass the final examination for the appropriate credential, in which case the requirement for completing the Study Series for that credential shall be waived. If equivalency is sought, the exam and either the transcript of classes taken or the Minister Study Series Equivalency Form shall be submitted with the minister’s application to the office of the General Secretary. Upon the completion of the Minister’s Study Series, a comprehensive test, provided by the general office, will be given to the minister by the respective district. Said minister must receive a seventy percent (70%) score on the test in order to receive a certificate of completion. Should said minister fail to achieve a score of at least seventy percent (70%), he/she must repeat the test until the satisfactory score is achieved. No series will be deemed completed until a satisfactory score is achieved. A certificate of completion shall precede acceptance for ordination. Although this is a national program, it shall be processed through the district office.
b. For ministers transferring to PCG from another organization, a questionnaire shall be established from this series for exhorter, license and ordination. If passed and everything else is cleared, the minister shall be granted the desired credential. If the minister does not pass, they shall be asked to take the course from whatever level was failed.
Section 2. Exhorters. Exhorter status is considered the first step toward the goal of ordination.
a. Upon acceptance as an exhorter, by completing the Exhorter’s Study Series, the minister shall hold this first step credential for a minimum of one (1) year. During this time the minister may exercise spiritual ministries as their gifts may be.
b. During this one-year period the minister may complete the License Study Series and complete the reading of the whole Bible, but this must be completed within two (2) years.
c. Within a two-year period the exhorter shall submit to their district board an application for advancement to licensed status. The district board shall then determine if the exhorter is granted licensed status. If the district board does not grant licensed status at this time, the exhorter may apply again within another two-year period. If after that time the district board does not grant licensed status, the exhorter shall no longer hold ministerial credentials.
PROVISO: Any person who holds exhorter status prior to August 1, 2013 may maintain this status for an additional two years as the exhorter proceeds toward licensed status. The district board shall then determine if the exhorter is granted licensed status. If the district board does not grant licensed status at this time, the exhorter may apply again within another two-year period. If after that time the district board does not grant licensed status, the exhorter shall no longer hold ministerial credentials.
Section 3. Licensed Minister. The license credential is considered a second step toward the goal of becoming an ordained minister.
a. Within a two-year period the licensed minister shall submit to their district board an application for ordination. The district board shall then determine if the licensed minister is approved for ordination. If the district board does not approve ordination at this time, the licensed minister may apply again within another two-year period. If after that time the district board does not approve ordination, the licensed minister shall no longer hold ministerial credentials.
b. Upon completion of the Ordination Study Series, a licensed minister may apply to the district board to be approved for ordination.
c. In the district board’s consideration, the following questions should be noted:
► Has the licensed minister read the whole Bible?
► Has the licensed minister given evidence of definite plans to be active in the ministry?
d. Licensed ministers are at liberty to exercise their gifts as the Spirit leads and the doors open.
PROVISO: Licensed ministers who have served in this role for at least seven (7) years prior to August 1, 2013may take the ordination exam and be ordained with the approval of the district board.
Section 4. Ordination. Ordination is considered an eventual goal for Pentecostal Church of God ministers.
a. The potential ordination candidate shall give clear evidence of the intention to remain in active ministry. The district shall notify the general office of new ordinations.
b. Any licensed minister desiring ordination in any district other than the district in which licensed status was granted, shall present a recommendation from the District bishop of the district that issued the license.
c. Applicants for credentials or promotions may be denied, even though all the required criteria is met, if it is deemed that the acceptance of the applicant for other reasons would be detrimental to the well-being of the church as a whole.
d. Annual credential renewal shall be attested by the district office and issued by the general office.
e. Any minister holding credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God cannot hold credentials in any other church organization or religious fellowship that issues credentials to preach the gospel.
f. The place of women in ministry relates to the principle that the Holy Spirit divides upon each as He will. “In the last days our sons and daughters shall prophesy” (Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:17, 18). When called of God and anointed by the Spirit, our women may freely serve as helpers, pastors and evangelists, but in order to fulfill the admonition of the Apostle Paul in 1Timothy 2:12, all executive positions in the district and the national movement shall be occupied by men.
g. No credentials shall be approved for any candidate nor any minister be given annual renewal of ministerial status who attended Messenger College and still has outstanding amounts payable to the college unless a letter is presented from the college indicating that proper arrangements have been made for payment. Each district office shall be notified by the college not later than December first of each calendar year of any delinquency of payments by the respective student.
Section 5. Credential Fees. Each minister shall participate financially for the maintenance of the General offices by paying the sum of $30.00 each month, two dollars of which shall go to support Messenger College, six dollars for the support of the department of youth ministries, one dollar to the national missions department, with five dollars being placed in the benevolent death benefit fund to be applied to death benefits only.
a. Included in the monthly contributions shall be the following:
b. The usual application or renewal fee for credentials.
c. The subscription to The Pentecostal Messenger.
d. Only current gratis ministers (as of 12/31/2007) will be covered with the $4,000 death benefit (payable to the beneficiary upon death).
e. Where both husband and wife are ministers, either ordained or licensed, or licensed to exhort, the following option is available: One minister shall pay $30.00 monthly, which is the usual application or renewal fee for ministers, and the other shall pay half the regular rate ($15.00 monthly) and would not be entitled to a separate subscription to The Pentecostal Messenger.
f. If said fees are not paid for a period of thirty (30) days, the minister will receive a letter of delinquency with a copy to the district office. If the minister is still delinquent after sixty (60) days, the credentials will be dropped by the General office and the district office will be notified.
g. The following ministers shall have their credentials fees and their subscription to the Pentecostal Messenger waived for one of the following three conditions; (1)When credentialed ministers reach the age of seventy (70) and have carried ordination with the Pentecostal Church of God for at least twenty (20) years or (2) if they are totally disabled with a terminal illness/physically debilitating condition and are not pursing active ministry, or (3) if they are seventy (70) year of age with twenty (20) years of continuous service and who do not qualify for gratis status and cannot pursue active ministry. In order for ministers to begin receiving this waiver, their credential fees must be paid up to date.
h. All ministers shall pay their tithe/dues as required by their district.
Ministry and Mission
Section 1. Ministerial Philosophy. A structure of ministry teams built on clear values and functions rather than interest groups perpetuates corporate significance. A model based on values and mission will promote corporate significance. Departments built on personality driven models appealing to special interests groups divide the corporate body. Direction toward values and mission disseminates corporate vitality.
Section 2. Ministry Teams. Ministry teams related to fellowship ministries (i.e., Women’s Ministries, Men’s Ministries, Youth Ministries, Senior Adult Ministries, etc.) and missions (i.e., national, global, etc.) may be established by the district board including the allocation of finances and the hiring of ministry team leaders as need to promote the work of the gospel in the PNWPCG.
Section 1. Officers. The officers of the district shall be a district bishop, a district secretary, a district presbyter, and four others elected by the District Convention. No person shall hold more than one office in the district simultaneously.
Section 2. Election
a. Election of District Bishop. The election of the district bishop shall be conducted by ballot. The first three ballots shall be nominating ballots. Any candidate who receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the votes cast on any ballot shall be declared elected. If no election has occurred after three (3) ballots, the two candidates having the highest number of votes on the third ballot shall be the only nominees to be further voted upon and all other names shall be removed from the ballot.
b. Election of District Secretary. The election of the district secretary shall be conducted by ballot. The district board shall be responsible for presenting up to three (3) names (Updated March 2013) for the consideration of the district convention for the office of secretary. Thereafter, the first three ballots shall be nominating ballots. Any candidate who receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the votes cast on any ballot shall be declared elected. If no election has occurred after three (3) ballots, the two candidates having the highest number of votes on the third ballot shall be the only nominees to be further voted upon and all other names shall be removed from the ballot.
c. Election of District Presbyter. The election of the district presbyter shall be conducted by ballot. The first three ballots shall be nominating ballots. Any candidate who receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the votes cast on any ballot shall be declared elected. If no election has occurred after three (3) ballots, the two candidates having the highest number of votes on the third ballot shall be the only nominees to be further voted upon and all other names shall be removed from the ballot.
d. Election of Sectional Presbyters. Sectional presbyters shall be elected by the ordained, licensed and exhorter ministers and their companions, if saved, and one (1) delegate from each church from the section they serve. These elections shall be held at the last sectional meeting before district convention. Any candidate who receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the votes cast on any ballot shall be declared elected. If no election has occurred after three (3) ballots, the two candidates having the highest number of votes on the third ballot shall be the only nominees to be further voted upon and all other names shall be removed from the ballot.
Section 3. Term of Office. Upon their first election, district executives shall serve a term of two (2) years or until a successor is elected. After the first term in office, any district executive shall serve terms of four (4) years or until a successor is elected. Terms of office shall begin at the close of each biennial district convention.
Section 4. Qualifications.
a. Qualifications for District bishop. The district bishop shall be a man, not less than thirty-five (35) years of age, an ordained minister in good standing, baptized with the Holy Ghost, with at least seven (7) years’ experience in the ministry, with three (3) of those years as an ordained minister of the Pentecostal Church of God in active ministry.
b. Qualifications for District Secretary. The district secretary shall be a man, not less than thirty-five (35) years of age, an ordained minister in good standing, baptized with the Holy Ghost, with at least seven (7) years’ experience in the ministry, with three (3) of those years as an ordained minister of the Pentecostal Church of God in active ministry.
c. Qualifications for District Presbyter. The district presbyter shall be a man, not less than thirty-five (35) years of age, an ordained minister in good standing, baptized with the Holy Ghost, with at least seven (7) years’ experience in the ministry, with three (3) of those years as an ordained minister of the Pentecostal Church of God in active ministry.
d. Qualifications for Sectional Presbyters. The sectional presbyters shall be ordained ministers, of mature experience and ability, and shall have been members of the Pentecostal Church of God for at least two (2) years and with at least seven (7) years ministerial experience. They must be ministers in good standing.
Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities.
a. District bishop. The district bishop shall:
1. serve as the president of the PNWPCG corporation;
2. have general supervision of the district;
3. represent the district at general conventions and general board meetings;
4. serve as chair of the district convention, the district board and the district executive committee.
5. supervise the work of the district office;
6. serve as head of the district to whom all officers are subject and under whose direction they serve.
7. serve as an ex officio member of all committees;
8. together with the district secretary, sign all official and legal documents;
9. provide for the financial records of the district to be audited annually;
10. lead and mentor the district board and departmental leaders helping them with leadership development, church challenges the fulfillment of the vision in their hearts for their communities;
11. provide vision and direction for the district as the Holy Spirit lead, keeping the district informed of God’s direction by whatever means possible; and
12. perform such other functions as are usual and customary for presiding officers or as may be assigned by the district convention or the district board.
b. District Secretary. The district secretary shall:
1. together with the district bishop, represent the district at general conventions and at general board meetings.
2. be responsible for keeping a record of all ordained, licensed and exhorter ministers and churches in the district fellowship;
3. notify all applicants for credentials concerning the date and place of district board meeting at least twenty (20) days in advance of the meeting;
4. send a monthly personal tithe report and receipt to each minister;
5. report to the district board those ministers who become delinquent in their tithe by more than sixty (60) days without a satisfactory explanation;
6. present a written financial report of the district to each meeting of the district board and to the district convention;
7. serve as a the secretary of the district convention, the district board and the district executive committee and all district committees;
8. together with the district bishop, sign all official and legal documents;
9. serve as the custodian of the funds and documents of the district;
10. see that an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements is kept according to generally accepted accounting principles, cooperating with the district bishop in the
arrangements for the annual financial audit;
11. keep the district bishop informed of the financial status of the district on a monthly basis;
12. direction the registration process and the registration committees for all district meetings, keeping the department head hosting the meeting informed of the financial
status of the meeting; and
12. perform such other functions as are usual and customary for the secretary of an organization or as may be assigned by the district bishop, district convention or the district board.
c. District Presbyter. The district presbyter shall:
1. cooperate with and assist the district bishop at all times;
2. assist the district bishop to open new areas of ministry;
3. assist the district bishop with the management of the business of the district as much as possible and whenever called upon;
4. attend all district meetings if at all possible;
5. serve as a member of the district board and district executive committee;
6. serve as the district director of home mission, chairing all meetings of the district home missions board;
7. perform such other functions as are usual and customary for district home missions director or as may be assigned by the district president, district convention or the district board.
d. Sectional Presbyters. Sectional presbyters shall represent the district bishop and board within their section. Sectional presbyters are granted the privilege of calling their sections together for sectional meetings from time to time.
Section 4. Vacancies.
a. Vacancy in District Bishop. If a vacancy occurs in the office of district bishop, the district board shall elect a qualified replacement to serve until the next biennial convention at which time a replacement shall be elected. The vote required shall be the same as in the election of the district bishop at district convention.
b. Vacancy in District Secretary. If a vacancy occurs in the office of district secretary, the district board shall elect a qualified replacement to serve until the next biennial convention at which time a replacement shall be elected. The vote required shall be the same as in the election of the district bishop at district convention.
c. Vacancy in District Presbyter. If a vacancy occurs in the office of district presbyter, the district board shall elect a qualified replacement to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. The vote required shall be the same as in the election of the district bishop at district convention.
d. Vacancy in Sectional Presbyters. If a vacancy occurs in the office of sectional presbyter, the district board shall elect a qualified replacement to serve for the reminder of the unexpired term.
District Boards and Committees
Section 1. Boards and Committees. The properly formed boards and committees of this district shall be known as: the district board, the executive committee, the bylaws committee and such special committees as may be established from time to time by the district board or the district convention.
Section 2. District Board. The district board shall consist of the district bishop, the district secretary, the district presbyter and four (4) additional board members elected at large by the district convention. Nominations may be made by the district board and from the floor. Nominees shall be ordained ministers, of mature experience and ability, and shall have been members of the Pentecostal Church of God for at least two (2) years and with at least seven (7) years ministerial experience. They must be ordained ministers in good standing and pastors of a church within the district. A plurality vote shall be considered sufficient for election. In the process of election, special consideration should be given to assuring that all of the different expressions of the church within the district are represented in the deliberations of the board.
a. Duties and Responsibilities. The district board shall act as trustees of this fellowship, have general oversight of the activities and departments during the interim between district conventions, and review and approve or disapprove all applications for Ordination, License, or Exhorter status.
b. Regular Meetings and Notice. Regular meetings of the district board shall be set by a vote of the board. The secretary shall notify all members of the board of any special meeting at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
c. Special Meetings and Notice. Special meetings of the district board may be called by the district bishop or any three (3) members of the board requesting a special meeting. The district secretary shall notify all members of the board of any special meeting at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. Only items of business specified in the notice of the meeting may be transacted at special meetings.
d. Quorum and Decisions. All decisions of the district board shall be made by a majority vote of those members of the board present and voting provided a quorum is present. A quorum of the board shall be a majority of its members provided that one of the district executive is present.
Section 3. The Executive Committee.
a. The executive committee of the district board shall consist of the district bishop, secretary, and presbyter.
b. The executive committee of the district board shall act on such district matters as shall require immediate attention when there is not sufficient time or opportunities to secure a meeting of the entire district board.
Section 4. Bylaws Committee.
a. A bylaws committee shall be appointed by the district bishop and approved by the executive committee and shall begin its functions at least one year prior to each district convention.
b. The duties of the bylaws committee shall be:
1. To offer suggestions to and have consultation with the proposer(s) of any suggested bylaws amendment. After such advice and consultation, the proposer(s) may choose to rewrite the proposed amendment or choose to withdraw the amendment.
2. To correct grammar, punctuation and formatting to ensure proper consideration of the proposed amendment by the district convention and not to alter or remove from the convention agenda any proposed amendment to the bylaws properly presented to the committee.
3. To submit any proposed amendment to the bylaws, together with their recommendations, for the consideration of the district convention.
Section 6. Special Committees. Special committees may be created at the district convention, or by the district board between sessions as may be required.
District Owned and Affiliated Churches
Section 1. The title to all property owned in whole or in part by the Pacific Northwest District Pentecostal Church of God or any of its churches be held in fee simple.
Section 2. Local Election of Pastors. Local churches shall elect their own pastors and church elders/boards, and shall maintain their own form of government, constitution and bylaws, which shall not conflict with those of the district or general organization.
A. All local church boards are to be elected in one of three ways:
1. The pastor and the existing church board shall nominate a prospective board member/members to be ratified (yes/no vote) by the church congregation or membership.
2. Nominations from the floor will be accepted with election by the church members.
3. A combination of one (1) and two (2) above.
Section 3. Ministerial Support and Conflict Resolution. All ministers and churches desiring the assistance of the district bishop’s office shall appeal to the presbyter presiding over their section of the district. Should any minister or church ignore the presbyter of their section and communicate directly with the district bishop’s office, such communication shall be referred to the local presbyter for his/her consideration before any action is taken by the district bishop. Should the presbyter not be able to reconcile the situation to the satisfaction of those concerned, an appeal may then be made directly to the district office.
Section 4. Missions. Each local church is expected to take an active interest in global, national and Indian missionary enterprises of the district and to plan monthly contributions for their support. All foreign missionary offerings shall be sent to the General Office Global Missions Department.
Section 5. Tithing. Since the tithe is God’s plan for financing the church, each church affiliated and associated with the Pentecostal Church of God is encouraged to support general and district ministries with First-fruits (10%) of their undesignated income (Designated income = salaries, missions, etc.). Each church’s First-fruits shall be sent to the district office with the district office forwarding 1/3 of local church contribution to the general office.
Section 6. Pastoral Resignations. When a pastor resigns, at least thirty (30) days’ notice to the church and the sectional presbyter shall be given. The pastor shall be required to take care of all services during this time unless arrangements are made with the sectional presbyter. When a pastor is asked to resign, the pastor must be given thirty (30) days’ notice also. The pastor shall continue to receive support from the church as long as he is taking care of the services.
a. Every pastor upon resigning his church shall make a written resignation to the district office, the local church board, and the sectional presbyter prior to leaving his church.
b. Any pastor failing to comply with paragraphs 6 and 6a will not be considered for placement in any other church or be transferred to another district until he has met and been cleared by the district board of the Pacific Northwest PNWPCG.
c. The financial arrangement of the church cannot be changed upon the resignation of a pastor until a new pastor has been elected and taken the church.
d. After the resignation of a pastor, if the church is unable to elect a pastor within sixty (60) days, at their discretion, the executive board and the sectional presbyter shall be authorized to appoint a pastor.
e. When a pastor resigns, and a minister comes to meet the congregation and apply for placement, the resigning pastor shall not be present or have a choice or influence as to who is to be the new pastor.
Section 7. Action on Loans. When a local church requests a loan or decides to sell real estate, and they ask the district board to concur, the district board must have a properly adopted resolution from the local church showing that they had a business meeting and voted to borrow, sell, etc. the amount authorized. This must be done before the district board takes any action in regard to loans or sales.
Section 8. Encumbrance of Property within the District. The district board is the sole body with authority to encumber or take any action, which will in any way encumber any property within the district. Prior to any local church obligating a local church to purchase, borrow, guarantee, or sell any property with value in excess of $10,000 (Updated March 2017), a resolution must be passed by the local church board and church. It must then be concurred in by the pastor and forwarded to the district board for consideration. The district board will then concur or reject the resolution. In the event any local church obligates the district without their prior consent, such that the district incurs liability for and on behalf of the local church, then, the district shall have first lien upon any offering of the church other than Nation Missions, up to fifty percent (50%) until such time as the liabilities incurred have been satisfied in full.
Section 9. Payment of Local Church Debts. The pastor and the local church congregation shall have full responsibility for payment of all loans, charges, assessments, or any other encumbrances approved by that church and shall hold the district harmless on any such obligation and shall indemnify the district for any liability incurred by the district for and on behalf of such local church.
Section 11. Church Property
In order to protect the property of the local church, and to keep such from ever falling into the hands of others, the following clause should be incorporated into the property deed of all district owned churches:
“Having granted, sold, and conveyed and by these present do grant, sell, and convey, unto the said (name(s) of Grantee) all that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the City of....... County of ........... State of ............., and described as follows, to-wit: (Compete legal description of property), upon the following condition to-wit: Should the premises and property herein for any reason, cease to be used as a Pentecostal Church of God church, said premises and all of said property shall immediately vest, in fee simple, in the Pentecostal Church of god, Pacific Northwest District Inc. This limitation on the use of said property is a part of the consideration for the conveyance, and is made herein for the express purpose of protecting said property from being diverted from its original intended use, which is for the benefit and welfare of the Pentecostal Church of God, Pacific Northwest District, Inc.”
a. Property owned, paid for or partly paid for by, or given to, the Pentecostal Church of God or one of its districts may be deeded to the local church (or its trustees), provided the following reversionary clause is a part of the deed:
“In the event of either an attempted conveyance of church property, or disaffiliation with the Pentecostal Church of God, or the dissolution of the local church, the property will revert to the Pacific Northwest District of the Pentecostal Church of God.”
b. The local church which has been granted title to the local church (or its trustees) with the reversionary clause as an integral part of the deed shall have full right, power and authority to sell, exchange, transfer and convey said property, or to borrow money and pledge the said real estate for the repayment of the same and to exercise all necessary deeds, conveyances, etc.; provided the proposition shall first be presented to a regular or special called meeting of the local church where proper notice is given and a quorum (majority) of the members are present, chaired by the district bishop of PNWPCG or one he may appoint, and the project is approved by two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the said church present and voting; and, provided the project is approved by a majority of the members of district board, who shall authorize the necessary “waiver” or “subordination agreement” to facilitate the action.
c. Should a local church cease to exist as a church body and a sale of its property become necessary or advisable, the proceeds of sale of such property shall go to the District Missions Fund to be used as the district board may deem advisable.
d. All local congregations of the PNWPCG, must insure their church buildings and church-owned buildings for liability and fire, wind and hail damage to cover the face value of the building and contents. All church-owned vehicles shall carry at least one hundred thousand – five hundred thousand ($100,000.00-$500,000.00) liability insurance, the premiums to be paid by the local congregation. The pastor and board of each local congregation shall be held responsible to inform the insurance company to file proof of coverage with the PNWPCG district office.
Section 12. Inappropriate Control of Property. If any pastor, official, member or any other person or persons of any congregation or church should be found to be conspiring, plotting, or planning in any manner against the welfare of the PNWPCG and its affiliated churches for the purpose of gaining control of any real estate or personal property of any congregation, or of the PNWPCG or if any other situation should arise that might require prompt and definite action; then, and in that event, the General Organization or the district organization shall, and are authorized and directed, by and through their proper officials to promptly take possession of said property or properties in the name of the Pacific Northwest District Pentecostal Church of God, and so retain possession thereof until the emergency has passed.
Section 13. Management of Sale Funds. All monies or property given or spent on a church or church parsonage shall not be returned the pastor or congregation unless it has been specified by a business meeting of the local church board with a district official present. Otherwise, said items or property shall remain at the church or church parsonage or in the ownership of the church , and if taken, a person can be charged with criminal charges.
Section 14. Financial Institution Loans. Loan monies from financial institutions for construction or remodeling of local churches shall be administered by district officials empowered to sign legal papers.
Section 15. Local Church Name Changes. No local church name be changed without a two-thirds (2/3) vote of registered church members present and voting and that the new name first be cleared with the district executive committee.
Section 16. Liens or Encumbrances on Local Church Property. The local church shall not allow any liens or encumbrances to be placed upon the real property of the PNWPCG without the knowledge and consent of the district board. In the event such knowledge and consent is not obtained, the pastor and local church shall bear sole responsibility for such actions, and upon notice by the district board, shall satisfy and release any and all such liens and encumbrances within twenty (20) days.
Section 17. Tithing Portion to Local Pastor. Any portion of tithe belonging to the pastor, as agreed upon by the pastor and the local church congregation, not accepted by the pastor when due, shall be forfeited without further recourse for recovery by the pastor or companion, descendants or assignees.
Section 18. Local Church Status Change. Any affiliated church desiring to change its status must first have a church business meeting with a member of the district executive committee being present. The district board may then be petitioned for the desired change.
Section 19. Church Building Projects. No PNWPCG monies are to be spent on any new church works where property is not deeded in full to the PNWPCG.
Section 20. Size of Towns. In towns of ten thousand (10,000) population or less, no PNWPCG churches shall be established within three (3) miles of existing PNWPCG churches.
The name of the corporation shall be: “Pacific Northwest District Pentecostal Church of God” herein referred to as the “district” or “PNWPCG.”
Section 1. Objects. The objects of this corporation shall be:
a. To preach the Gospel and further the cause of the Kingdom of God in the United States of America and foreign lands;
b. To promote and maintain churches and missions;
c. To promote fellowship and means of cooperation between churches of similar faith and doctrine;
d. To promote, establish and maintain certain districts therein, which shall be self-governing insofar as same do not conflict with the objects and purposes of this organization, subject to the jurisdiction and control of the corporation;
e. To promote freedom of worship and liberty of expression, within the limits of its own statement of faith and doctrine, among its own churches, ministers and members;
f. To qualify and credential ministers to preach the Gospel;
g. To foster biblical education and ministerial training, and establish other institutions and to own and operating such properties as will support Christian ministry as directed by the general board;
h. To own, operate and maintain such printing and publishing plants as may, in the opinion of the general board, be necessary to print and publish Bibles, books, pamphlets, periodicals and other religious literature as may be required for its own use; and to sell, give away or otherwise dispose of same in the furtherance of the work of said organization without pecuniary profits to any members of said corporation;
i. To buy, rent, acquire by gift or otherwise, and to own, operate, maintain and use, such real estate and personal and mixed property as shall be necessary for the maintenance, operation and carrying on of the business of the corporation; and to lease, sub-rent, sell, assign, transfer, convey and otherwise dispose of said properties upon such terms and conditions and at such times as, in the opinion of the general board, be advantageous to the interest of the corporation;
j. To borrow money for the purpose of purchasing such real estate, personal and mixed property as, in the opinion of the general board, may be necessary to properly and adequately carry on the objects and purposes of the corporation business and undertakings, and to execute notes, deeds of trust, mortgages and other evidences of indebtedness, on behalf of the corporation, for the repayment thereof, and to satisfy and release notes, deeds of trust, mortgages and other evidences of indebtedness, on behalf of the corporation; (For clarification purposes in connection with organizational business affecting church-owned properties, the respective interests in properties, real, personal and mixed, owned in whole or in part by the Pentecostal Church of God (Incorporated), a Texas Corporation, or any of its districts, shall be construed to be interests in fee simple.) and
k. To make bylaws for the government of the corporation, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State of Washington, the United States of American, other states or foreign countries; and to alter, revise and amend the same.
Denominational Relationship
Section 1. The district is a part of, and in fellowship with, the Pentecostal Church of God, an incorporated body, with headquarters at Bedford, Texas, and shall be entitled to representation at the general convention, through its ordained and licensed ministers, and by individuals sent by the local churches as delegates. It shall have the privilege of calling on the general bishop or other general officers for ministerial help, executive counsel and cooperation, from time to time as the needs of the district require.
Section 2. The district is expected to assist the general officials at headquarters in the furthering of the Global, National and Indian Missionary work of the church. Its ministers are encouraged to contribute to the support of the general office, and it takes an active interest in our official publication, The Pentecostal Messenger.
Section 3. All accredited, ordained and licensed ministers of the PNWPCG, and their companions, if saved, and one delegate from each affiliated church shall constitute the voting constituency of each biennial district convention.
Section 4. Any minister of the Pentecostal Church of God requesting a clearance and /or letter of recommendation for placement in a church shall not receive such unless they are a minister in good standing with the PCG and have been so for at least 90 days prior to clearance being requested. Ministers from other districts requesting a placement in the PNWPCG shall be required to meet the same criteria as that which PNWPCG ministers must meet.
Sectional Boundaries
The District shall be divided into Sections, whose names and boundaries shall be as follows:
Evergreen Section: The counties of Wahkiku, Cowlitz, Skamania, Clark, the town of Bingen and White Salmon in Klickitat County, and that part of Pacific County lying south and west of the Naselle River.
Coast Central Section: The counties of Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor, and Pacific less that part lying south and west of the Naselle River.
Greater Puget Sound Section: The counties of Whatcom, Skagit, Island, San Juan, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Kitsap, Clallam, Jefferson and Mason.
North Central Section: The counties of Okanogan, Ferry, and the Bridgeport area of Douglas.
Fruit Bowl Section: The counties of Kittitas, Yakima and Klickitat, less the town of Bingen and White Salmon, counties of Grant, Chelan, Douglas, less the Bridgeport area.
Columbia Basin Section: The counties of Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla, Columbia & Adams.
Alpine Section: The counties of Lincoln, Spokane, Stevens and Pend Oreille in the state of Washington, and the counties of Boundary, Bonner, Kootenia, Benewah and Shoshone in the state of Idaho.
Clearwater Section: The counties of Asotin, Garfield and Whitman in the state of Washington, and in the state of Idaho, the counties of Latah, Clearwater, Nez Peirce, Lewis, and that part of Idaho County in the Pacific Northwest District.
Fiscal Year and Budget
The fiscal year for the district shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
Biennial Convention
Section 1. The district convention shall convene in each odd numbered year in the month of March.
Section 2. Special conventions of the district may be called by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the district board.
Section 3. Submission of Resolutions. Resolutions offered for the consideration of the district convention may be submitted by the district board, the district executive council, a local church board or over the signature of at least three (3) ministers credentialed with the PNWPCG. All resolutions must be submitted to the district secretary no later than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the convention. The district executive committee shall work with the authors of proposed resolutions to assure that they are worded properly in order to produce the result intended by the authors and that terminology is clear and easy to understand.
Section 4. Notice to All Ministers. Resolutions to be considered by the district convention shall be noticed to all ministers of the PNWPCG by being made available electronically at least four weeks prior to the convention at which they will be considered. In emergency circumstances, the district board may approve a resolution to be considered by the convention that does not meet the four-week requirement.
Section 5. Agenda. The district board shall establish a recommended agenda for the consideration of the district convention. The proposed agenda may be adopted or amended by the convention at its first meeting.
Section 6. Convention Delegates. Each officially recognized church is entitled to one (1) delegate to the biennium district convention in additional to any minister and their spouse who is ordained, licensed or who has Exhorter status.
Section 1. Exclusively for Religious and Charitable Purposes. The assets of the PNWPCG, a Washington corporation, are irrevocably dedicated exclusively for religious, charitable and/or education purposes. In the event of dissolution of the corporation, the general board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all the assets of the corporation, so as to insure that the remaining assets will not inure to the benefit of any private person or persons, but that all remaining assets will be distributed to a non-profit organization or organizations, which are exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law as the general board shall determine).
Section 2. Transfer of Assets Upon Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of the PNWPCG, the assets of the district corporation will be transferred to the general corporation. In the event of the dissolution of any local church, the assets of the local church will be transferred to the district corporation in which the church is located.
The district shall, to the extent legally permissible, indemnify each person who may serve or who has served at any time as an officer, director, or employee of the corporation against all expenses and liabilities, including, without limitation, counsel fees, judgments, fines, excise taxes, penalties and settlement payments, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon such person in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding in which he or she may become involved by reason of his or her service in such capacity; provided that no indemnification shall be provided for any such person with respect to any matter as to which he or she shall have been finally adjudicated in any proceeding not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that such action was in the best interests of the corporation; and further provided that any compromise or settlement payment shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of directors who are not at that time parties to the proceeding.
No amendment or repeal of the provisions of this article which adversely affects the right of an indemnified person under this article shall apply to such person with respect to those acts or omissions which occurred at any time prior to such amendment or repeal, unless such amendment or repeal was voted by or was made with the written consent of such indemnified person.
This article constitutes a contract between the society and the indemnified officers, directors, and employees. No amendment or repeal of the provisions of this article which adversely affects the right of an indemnified officer, director, or employee under this article shall apply to such officer, director, or employee with respect to those acts or omissions which occurred at any time prior to such amendment or repeal.
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this corporation in all case to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order or standing rules adopted for the meetings of the district convention, district board or district council by those respective bodies for their own meetings.
Amendment of Bylaws
Section 1. Specific Language. All proposed amendments to the district bylaws shall indicate with specificity what language is to be struck out and what language is to be inserted together with the exact article and section designation to which the proposed bylaw amendment shall apply if adopted.
Section 2. Proposing Bylaws Amendments. Proposed amendments to the district bylaws may be submitted by the district board, the district executive council, a local church board or over the signature of at least three (3) ministers accredited with the PNWPCG. In order to be considered by the district convention, all proposed amendments to the bylaws must be received in the district secretary’s office by January 1 of the convention year.
Section 3. Notice of Proposed Amendments to the District Bylaws. Any proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be noticed to all ministers credentialed of the PNWPCG by being made available electronically no later than four weeks before the convention.
Section 4. Vote Required for Amendment of the Bylaws. A two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of those members of the district convention properly registered, present and voting, shall be required for adoption of any proposed amendment to the bylaws
(Updated 2019)